Offers and News

In this study published inVeterinary Immunology Immunopathology (Soler et al, vet Immunol Immunopathol 179: 26-31)the canine ITIH4 protein (canine homologous protein of the pig Major Acute Phase protein, pig-MAP) was isolated and characterized for the first time.

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The 25th November 2016 took place in Madrid the “II Jornada sobre Gestión Animal en Centros de Protección y Residencias Animales” (II conference about health management and animal welfare at animal shelters) organized by AVEM (Spanish Association of Municipal Veterinarians).

The main focus of the event was to present the new quality standard UNE 313001 about animal shelters and residences for companion animals, developed by the committee for standardization 313 from AENOR, promoted by AVEM. The aim of the new UNE quality standard is to improve the health and animal welfare conditions at animal shelters, of both, public or private management. The quality standard is the result of the consensus of all the actors implied and will allow the harmonization and homologation of procedures in these animal shelters from an animal health and welfare management point of view.


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The XXI annual Symposium of AVEDILA (Association of Veterinarians Specialist in Laboratory Diagnostic) took place this year at the Faculty of Veterinary of the University of Murcia.

The programme is available at AVEDILA 2016 website. Acuvet Biotech presented the oral communication: “Desarrollo de un método inmunoturbidimétrico y material de referencia para la proteína C-reactiva canina (Development of a turbidimetric immunoassay and a reference material for canine C-reactive protein)”.


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The annual congress of the ESVCP was held this year in Nantes, the 20-22th October.  For the first time the event was a joint congress with the European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC) that allowed the interaction between specialist of both fields.

The scientific commitees worked together to offer a really interesting programme with mixed sessions in cancer biomarkers or spontaneous animal models in oncology and clinical pathology.

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First assays available: canine C-reactive protein, pig C-reactive protein, pig-MAP.


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