Immunoenzymatic test for the determination of bovine ITIH4

By measuring ITIH4, you can assess the health and welfare status of your animals, or quantify inflammation during trials. Test with confidence using a species-specific, sensitive, and reliable test.

Available formats

ACUVET ELISA bovine ITIH4, 96 test
ACUVET ELISA bovine ITIH4, 192 test

Uses and advantages of our test

ITIH4 is an acute-phase protein in cattle, which can be used in the detection and monitoring of inflammatory or infectious diseases. Its response is slower but longer lasting than haptoglobin. Analyzing both biomarkers simultaneously provides great sensitivity for the detection of health problems or poor welfare at the farm. Our kits offer species-specific, sensitive, and well-validated assays, so you can test with confidence. The ELISA bovine ITIH4 test is more sensitivity than turbidimetric analysis, and is appropriate for analysis of serum as well as milk, where increased concentrations can be used to identify mastitis.



• Species-specific
• Limit of detection: 13 ng/mL
• Working range: 14-460 ng/mL
• Assay time: 120 minutes
• Reading: 450 nm
• Matrix: Serum, plasma, milk, others.
• Valid for hemolytic samples

Sandwich-type ELISA with a monoclonal antibody and polyclonal antibodies specific for bovine ITIH4.

Bovine-specific standard, standardized with an internal reference material. There is not international standard for bovine ITIH4.

Internal validation according to Eurachem´s guidelines.

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