Acuvet ELISA pig Haptoglobin

Immunoenzymatic test for the determination of pig haptoglobin

Haptoglobin measurements can be used to determine the sanitary-status of farms, or to quantify inflammation in experimental trials. Test with confidence using a species-specific and reliable assay, which is valid for hemolyzed samples.

Available formats

Acuvet ELISA pig haptoglobin, 96 test
Acuvet ELISA pig haptoglobin, 192 test

Uses and advantages of our test

Haptoglobin is one of the main acute-phase proteins in pigs. The serum concentration of this biomarker increases in response to infection, and can provide a measure of the health status and hygiene conditions of farms. Abnormally low haptoglobin values may also be indicative of hemolytic processes, since haptoglobin binds to free hemoglobin to form complexes that are removed from circulation. Acuvet’s ELISA test offers reliable, species-specific analyses, specifically designed for hemolyzed samples. Hemoglobin does not interfere with our test as with other haptoglobin assays such as the colorimetric method, which is based on haptoglobin-hemoglobin binding. The high sensitivity of the Acuvet haptoglobin assay also allows you to measure haptoglobin in alternative matrixes such as saliva.


• Species-specific
LoD: 2 ng/mL
• Working range:10-280ng/mL
• Assay time: 90 min
• Reading: 450 nm
• Valid for hemolytic samples
• Matrix: serum, plasma, others

Sandwich-type ELISA with polyclonal antibodies specific for pig haptoglobin.

Porcine-specific standard, according to the Europan Reference Serum for Acute phase proteins (EU concerted Action QLK5-CT-1999-0153).

Internal validation according to Eurachem´s guidelines.

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