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Turbovet Pig CRP

Turbidimetric method for the determination of C-reactive protein in pig

Fast, automatic, very precise and robust: all the advantages of a turbidimetric method with the reliability of a species-specific test. By testing CRP you can assess animal health status, or quantify inflammation in your experimental trials.

Available formats

Turbovet pig CRP 100 test. Complete kit. Includes calibrator and controls.
Turbovet pig CRP 200 test. Complete kit. Includes calibrator and controls.
Turbovet pig CRP calibrator.
Turbovet pig CRP controls.

Uses and advantages of our test

C-reactive protein (CRP) is a major acute-phase protein in pigs. It is analyzed to identify and monitor infections or inflammatory processes, even in subclinical conditions. Basal levels of CRP are low in porcine species, and the biomarker exhibits a rapid response which reflects the evolution of disease. In combination with Pig-MAP, CRP analysis ensures highly sensitive detection of animal health-and-welfare problems on the farm. Turbovet Pig CRP is the first swine-specific turbidimetric method for CRP analysis. Turbovet test provides results in a few minutes, with a highly precise and reproducible method. Analysis can be fully automated with any open chemistry analyzer, significantly reducing required time and therefore costs. The reagents are very stable and frequent calibration is not necessary. Turbovet is an ideal analytical tool for quality control of livestock production, animal-welfare certification, or experimental studies using pigs as a model organism.


• Species-specific.
• Automatic: can be run in any open clinical chemistry analyzer.
• Working range: 0-110 mg/L .
• Assay time: 5 minutes
• Reagents: 2 reagents, ready to use.
• No interference by hemoglobin (20g/L), bilirubin (0.15 g/L) or triglycerides (10 g/L).
• Sample type: serum.

Quantification by particle-enhanced immunoturbidimetry. CRP from serum reacts with specific antibodies fixed to latex microparticles, forming aggregates that produce an increase in turbidity in the reaction medium. The increase in turbidity is determined by photometric measurement and is proportional to CRP concentration in the sample.

The assay is calibrated with a porcine-specific calibrator whose value is adjusted with an internal standard. There is not international reference material for pig CRP.

Validated by the Autonomous University of Barcelona according to CLSI and SEQC guidelines.

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