The annual congress of the ESVCP was held this year in Nantes, the 20-22th October.  For the first time the event was a joint congress with the European Society of Veterinary Oncology (ESVONC) that allowed the interaction between specialist of both fields.


The scientific commitees worked together to offer a really interesting programme with mixed sessions in cancer biomarkers or spontaneous animal models in oncology and clinical pathology.


The congress programme is available at the following link where the abstracts book can be downloaded


Acuvet Biotech presented the following communications:


  • A new turbidimetric immunoassay for the quantification of C-reactive protein in the dog using antibodies and standards species-specific. Descargar poster pdf.
  • Development and validation of an ELISA for the quantification of ITIH4, a novel acute phase protein in the dog. Descargar poster pdf


The posters are available here.


Congratulations to the organization for the excellent scientific programme, and the high number of participants. The congress was very interesting and an excellent opportunity for networking, to meet old colleagues and to discover the beautiful city of Nantes and its excellent gastronomy.


Many thanks to all that make this congress possible.  


In 2017 the ESVCP congress will be held in London.

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